Our board - Nesti Housing

Carmel Penny

Carmel is a distinguished Board Director with a profound dedication to advancing equity and cultural diversity. Her commitment to these critical facets of organisational development has been forged through years of experience and advocacy, and it’s deeply informed by her lived and professional experiences working to make a difference with and for the Indigenous community.

In her current role as Senior Advisor for Aboriginal Employment at Curtin University, Carmel Penny is instrumental in shaping policies and strategies that foster diversity and inclusion within the organisation. As a Noongar woman – Carmel brings her wealth of experiences applying a cultural nuance to inform, guide and develop strategic initiatives empowering the organisations she has worked with to help bridge the employment gap which has greater flow on opportunities for equitable wealth opportunities and generational empowerment for Indigenous peoples.

As a mature aged student Carmel’s undertook the Kulbardi KTrack enabling course at Murdoch University. She says studying Sociology has been consistent in theory to her lived experiences. This combination of lived, professional and academic theory all aligns to her passions towards social justice and equitable outcomes for Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander peoples in a culturally diverse landscape and has made her an invaluable addition to our Board of Directors.